Welcome back letter from the Principal

August 16, 2021

Dear Parents/Guardians of Holy Savior Academy Students,

I hope that each of you have enjoyed a healthy, restful summer and are now anxiously getting ready for the new school year to begin in September.

I, too, have been getting ready for the arrival of our students in September and wanted to share some information so that you are prepared to start.

As you already know, our first day of school for the students in grades Kindergarten through grade 8 will be September 7.  Our PreK 3 and 4 year old students will come in on September 8.  Both days will be half day sessions with dismissal at noon.  There will be no lunch served and there will be no Aftercare provided. 

On September 9, all students will be in school for our first full day.  We will begin at 7:45AM and end at 2:45PM.  Please remember that our doors open at 7:00AM and free Before-care will be provided.  Students will go into their classroom at 7:45AM and classes begin at 8:00AM.  Our Lunch Program and Aftercare will begin on that first full day. 

I am currently working with a Committee on our Reopening Plan and that will be provided to you by the beginning of next week.  For now, please know that we will be open and all students, faculty, staff and parents who enter the building will be required to wear a mask.  Once inside the building, we will follow safe distancing, three feet apart, and safe hygiene procedures and protocols to ensure that all remain safe. 

I also wanted you to know that we will have an Open House for our children entering PreK through Grade 3 on September 2, from 6:00PM until 7:00PM.   Please feel free to come into school, meet the teacher and see your child’s classroom.

For now, please refer to the website, holysavioracademy.com, for our updated Parent/Student Handbook and our September calendar.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

God bless you,

Mrs. Carol Woodburn
