Our experienced teachers and engaging curriculum offer children the opportunity to learn and grow in a safe, nurturing, faith-based environment.
🎉HSA FLOAT at the SOUTH PLAINFIELD LABOR DAY PARADE Monday 9/4th. *We need volunteers this summer to decorate on Sat. 9/2 and participate on 9/4. The theme is 'Marching Through the Decades'. Mark your calendars! *Every year Holy Savior Academy participates by having a float in the South Plainfield Labor Day Parade. Our students/parents/MC Steph...
Summer Work
Pre-K Supply ListKindergarten Supply List1st Grade Summer Work & Supply List2nd Grade Summer Work & Supply List3rd Grade Summer Work & Supply List4th Grade Summer Work & Supply List5th Grade Summer Work & Supply List6th Grade Summer Work & Supply List7th Grade Language Arts Summer Work8th Grade Language Arts Summer...
Holy Savior Academy Pre-K Graduation
2023 Holy Savior Academy Graduation Ceremony
2023 Holy Savior Academy Baccalaureate Mass
May Crowning
At its simplest, May Crowning is a ritual celebrated in the month of May where an image or statue of Mary is crowned with a wreath of flowers and honored as the Queen of Heaven and the Mother of God.
HSA Art Show 2023
Join us this Friday and Saturday for Holy Savior Academy Art Show 2023 May 19-20, 2023. Friday 6pm to 8pm and Saturday 10am to 1pm. Take a moment to enjoy the artwork created by the students from Pre-K to 8th grade...
Pre-K Open House
May 2, 2023 from 10am to 1pm; please join us for an open house to learn more about the exciting and amazing benefits of Holy Savior Academy...
HSA Open House
May 20, 2023 - Strong academics, enrichment programs; before care and aftercare; athletic programs...