Weekly Calendar Raffle Winners

Jan 5th - Congratulations to Angelo B. who won $100.00 - Ticket #545Jan 12th - Congratulations to Monica Z. who won $50.00 -  Ticket #238Jan 22nd - Congratulations to Christina C. who won $50.00 - Ticket #315Jan 26th - Congratulations to Michele R. who won $200.00 - Ticket #145Feb 2nd...

Holy Savior Academy Spring Vendor Fair

Holy Savior Academy will be holding a Spring Vendor Fair on June 1, 2024. This is an outside event taking place in the school parking lot. FUN EVENTS ON THIS DAY: All For The Kids 5k Run/Walk FundraiserHoly Savior Academy Open House for perspective families to check out the school Art...

All For The Kids! 5K Fun Run & Walk

🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️Let's get excited and moving! In lieu of Storm Rise Up and Run this year, we will be hosting our 'All For The Kids! 5K Fun Run & Walk Fundraiser on Saturday, June 1st @ 10am.  (Rain date June 8th). **Incentives flyer to come out soon to help reach our...

Tickets On Sale Now for Our Designer Bag Bingo

Tickets are on sale NOW for our Spring Fling Designer Bag Bingo!  Purchase Tickets Here  *We encourage you to purchase your tickets early due to limited seating. This event sells out every year.*

Action Alert

ISSUE:           Given the circumstances of the following issues, we are formulating an Action Alert for two important increases to be included as Budget Resolutions in the final version of the Appropriations Act due to the Governor by June 30.  Budget Resolutions are the changes in the Governor’s Budget as submitted...

HSA Living Stations of the Cross

Please join Holy Savior Academy for the Living Stations of the Cross Monday 25, 2024 at the Church of the Sacred Heart starting at 1:30pm.  You will be able to watch the Live Stream here, from Church of the Sacred Heart website or Church of the Sacred Heart's YouTube page....

Annual Lenten Friday Fish Dinners

Grab your tickets now for the March 22nd Fish Dinner via Holy Savior Academy! Support our school - 50% of ticket sales go directly to us! Exclusive Offer: Tickets Must Be Purchased Through the School. The South Plainfield Knights of Columbus Council #6203 is once again sponsoring our famous Sacred...


Holy Savior Academy is currently fundraising for FISH Inc, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting over 2,500 individuals in the Piscataway area. Unfortunately, last month, their operations suffered significant damage due to a fire at their premises, impacting both their food pantry and clothing supplies severely. This fundraiser aims to...