Greetings HSA Parents! 😃Welcome new families and returning families to our 2021-2022 School Year! It was great to see some of you in person at Back to School Night and at the Labor Day Parade this weekend. My name is Stephanie Ubungen and I am your fellow PTO Coordinator (Parent/Teacher Organization),...
MAP Letter to Parents
Dear Parents and Guardians, Over the next two weeks, the children in grades 1 through 8 will take their first MAP Growth test from NWEA on a computer or tablet. We give MAP growth tests to determine their instructional level and to measure academic growth throughout the school year in...
Friday Fun Facts – Sept 24th
I hope to see everyone on Friday afternoon at the HSA Float Decorating on Kentile Road at 4:00PM and then tomorrow at the Labor Day Parade! It will be great fun and we can all show our wonderful HSA School Spirit! HSA is a great place to be!! On Monday,...
Calling all volunteers Labor Day Parade Float Decorating!
📣Calling all volunteers! Help lend a ‘decorating’ hand ✋ for our Labor Day Parade Float Decorating THIS Saturday, 9/4 @ 8am at the Halls/Americold site on Ken-tile Road. Just come on down! Call or text Lawrence Hettiarachchi (HSA Parent) at 914-482-5021. 🇺🇸We NEED your help to get it ready for...
Welcome back letter from the Principal
August 16, 2021Dear Parents/Guardians of Holy Savior Academy Students,I hope that each of you have enjoyed a healthy, restful summer and are now anxiously getting ready for the new school year to begin in September.I, too, have been getting ready for the arrival of our students in September and wanted...
Just a few reminders for the 2021-2022 school year
June 15, 2021 Dear Parents/Guardians of HSA, Just a few reminders: FACTS Tuition Payment Plan will be rolled over next week. All figures will be entered into the account, including tuition, fees and financial aid (if applicable). At this time, the one-time $50.00 fee will be deducted from your...
End of the Year Highlight Video
🥳Congratulations on the last day of school HSA! Enjoy your summer🎉🎥Here is a fun highlight video for the End of the Year and Super Soaker Party. We have special cameo from an AMAZING Teacher! Kindly show your student:🇺🇸SAVE THE DATE: South Plainfield Labor Day Parade HSA Float: Mon., Sept. 6th. Come ride...
HSA Final Prayer Service for the School Year
We will have our last year prayer service for the 2020-2021 school at 10:30am...
Kindergarten Graduation Today @ 9:00
You will be able to view the Kindergarten Graduation on our Youtube Channel.